AHFE International Open Access is an Emerging Science & Engineering, Human Factors and Human-centered Computing pioneer in scholarly open access publishing supporting academic and research communities worldwide
AHFE International is pleased to announce the availability of open access (OA) option for authors interested in submitting the full papers that meet scientific quality standards and blind peer-review criteria per the AHFE Open Access Articles and Proceedings rules.
The AHFE Open Access Articles and Proceedings publication will be available, upon the successful outcome of the peer-review of the full papers to AHFE participants and research community.
The AHFE Open Access Articles and Proceedings publication will be available, upon the successful outcome of the peer-review of the full papers to AHFE participants and research community.
Web-based AHFE Open Access Articles and Proceedings publishing offers many benefits:
- - Potential for an increased citation and article usage: in general, open-access articles are typically viewed and cited more often than papers published under the traditional subscription-based publication model.
- - Greater public engagement: Content is available to all interested individuals and institutions without restrictions.
- - Increased interdisciplinary conversation: help researchers connect more easily
- - Faster impact: researchers are empowered to build research networks
- - Compliance with open access mandates: compliance with major funding policies (as applicable)
- - Wider collaboration: enable researchers to carry out collaborative research on a global scale.
Published articles:
- - Fully peer reviewed
- - Immediately free to access and download from AHFE Open Access system and many other databases
- - Permitted re-use defined by the author's choice of Creative Commons user licenses
- - Published to maintain the publication record with unique DOI

Benefits of AHFE Open Access Model
AHFE Open Access Proceedings and Publication:
All Content is Open Access and Free for Researchers and Readers
Articles published by AHFE International are fully open access: research articles, content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge. To be able to provide open access journals, we finance publication through article processing charges; these are usually covered by the authors' institutes or research funding bodies or participation in AHFE Conference Series. The authors acknowledge that if, upon successful scientific peer-review, registered paper will be accepted for publication in AHFE Open Access Proceedings.
Peer review policy - Article Peer-reviewing Process:
The peer review process is intended to ensure that only good science is published. The full paper peer-reviewing process is critical for assuring the highest scientific quality of the papers accepted for publication. At least two independent reviewers will review all submissions according to a specific field of research. The reviewers' comments will be provided to assist the authors in improving the paper's technical content, structure, and language. The reviewers and track chairs are responsible for ensuring scientific equality and high standards of the accepted papers. Authors understand that the research article must be original, never published, or submitted before for publication.

Authors understand that the research article must be original, never published, or submitted before for publication. Authors ensures that the submission reports on unpublished work except for any minor excerpts from other works including pre-published illustrations, tables, text quotation, etc. Such material has been cited accordingly in the current submission, and will been included upon permission from or on behalf of the rights holder in case they are protected by copyright. Please note that participant registration for the conference does not guarantee paper publication as all papers undergo a strict peer-review process.
Participant registration covers conference program and scientific functions participation and attendance, optional social events, and access to digital proceedings.
Ethics Statement & disclosures
AHFE International takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. AHFE Proceedings takes publishing ethics issues very seriously and our editors are trained to proceed in such cases with a zero tolerance policy. To verify the originality of content submitted to our proceedings, we use similarity detection to check submissions against previous publications. AHFE is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published. This proceedings has a Conflict of Interest policy in place following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and subscribes to its principles on how to deal with acts of misconduct thereby committing to investigate allegations of misconduct in order to ensure the integrity of research. The journal use plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Mission and Values
As a pioneer of academic open access publishing in Human Factors Engineering and Human-centered computing, we serve the scientific community since 2008. Our aim is to foster scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
As an emerging pioneer in open access peer-review research, our mission is to make new research findings accessible to everyone. We are serving scholars from across the globe and from a variety of backgrounds. We aim to build proceedings and research focus that is diverse and inclusive, by openness that is key to our mission. We aim at creating equal opportunities for people without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, country of origin, physical ability, or socio-economic status. There is no place for discrimination. We adopt principles of the Coalition for Diversity & Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) to support building equity, inclusion, diversity, and accessibility in scholarly communications.
The authors of papers published in the AHFE Open Access Proceedings will retain full copyrights as specified by the provisions of the Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/