Editorial board
AHFE International Open Access publishes original articles on research and development efforts intended to promote the comprehensive integration of people, services and systems. The Proceedings addresses all aspects of human, computer and systems integration, with a particular emphasis on AI in all domains of human activity, and computing applications to industry, business, government, education, and everyday life. It attaches equal importance to human and artificial intelligence (AI), while also exploring key hardware, software and system interfaces in the technological and management processes for developing future engineering systems.
AHFE offers a multidisciplinary platform for researchers and practitioners alike, discussing emerging issues in the field of integration of humans and engineering, with a special focus on (but not limited to) AI-based technologies. Its goal is to advance the theory and applications of human-AI systems collaboration, which taps into and expands on our knowledge of human-inspired design of intelligent systems. The articles and proceedings also examines the human dimension of everyday systems and products with applications across all domains of modern society.
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International: ISSN 2771-0718 (Online)

Series Editors
- Waldemar Karwowski (UCF), USA
- Tareq Ahram (IASE), USA
Publishing Model
- Open Access (Peer-review articles and conference proceedings)
AHFE Editorial Board Members
- Jesslyn Alekseyev (MIT Lincoln Laboratory), USA
- Pedro Arezes (University of Minho), Portugal
- Umer Asgher (National University of Sciences and Technology), Pakistan
- Hasan Ayaz (Drexel University), USA
- Daniel Barber (SoarTech), USA
- Clara Bassano (University of Salerno), Italy
- Ron Boring (Idaho National Laboratory), USA
- Daniel Brandão (CECS / Institute of Social Sciences University of Minho Braga), Portugal
- Cristina Carvalho (CIAUD), Portugal
- Susana Costa (University of Minho), Portugal
- Pepetto Di Bucchianico (University of Chieti-Pescara), Italy
- Massimo Di Nicolantonio (University of Chieti-Pescara), Italy
- Christianne Falcão (UnFBV), Brazil
- Shuichi Fukuda (Keio University), Japan
- Walter Ganz (Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO)), Germany
- Anne Garcia (National Transportation Safety Board), USA
- Yong-Gyun Ghim (University of Cincinnati), USA
- Ravindra S. Goonetilleke (Khalifa University), UAE
- Amic G. Ho (Hong Kong Metropolitan University), Hong Kong
- Shigekazu Ishihara (Hiroshima International University), Japan
- Henrijs Kalkis (Riga Stradins University), Latvia
- Jay Kalra (University of Saskatchewan), Canada
- Christine Leitner (Centre for Economics and Public Administration), UK
- Nancy Lightner (Enterprise Resource Performance, Inc. (ERPi)), USA
- Yan Luximon (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Hong Kong
- Alicja Maciejko (University of Zielona Gora), Poland
- Evangelos Markopoulos (Hult Business School / Queen Mary University of London), UK
- Nuno Martins (ID+ &, Design School of the Polytechnic Institute of Cavado e Ave), Portugal
- Robert McDonald (Institute for Energy Technology), Norway
- Gianni Montagna (Lisbon School of Architecture), Portugal
- Beata Mrugalska (Poznan University of Technology), Poland
- Atsuo Murata (Okayama University), Japan
- Mitsuo Nagamachi (Hiroshima University (Retired-Emeritus)), Japan
- Salman Nazir (University of South-Eastern Norway), Norway
- Isabel L. Nunes (NOVA University of Lisbon), Portugal
- Lucas Paletta (DIGITAL – Institute for Information and Communication Technologies), Austria
- Katie Plant (University of Southampton), UK
- Gesa Praetorius (VTI), Sweden
- Aryn Pyke (Army Cyber Institute), USA
- Sudhakar Rajulu (NASA Houston), USA
- Daniel Raposo (CIAUD &, School of Applied Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco), Portugal
- Carlos Raymundo (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas SAC), Peru
- Francisco Rebelo (CIAUD), Portugal
- Zenija Roja (Riga Stradins University), Latvia
- Emilio Rossi (Lincoln University), Italy
- Vesa Salminen (Häme University of Applied Sciences), Finland
- Debra Satterfield (CSU Long Beach), USA
- Sofia Scataglini (University of Antwerp), Belgium
- Kyuha Shim (Carnegie Mellon University), USA
- Cliff (Sungsoo) Shin (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign), USA
- Redha Taiar (University of Reims, France), France
- Stefan Trzcielinski (Poznan University of Technology), Poland
- Julia Wright (USARMY CCDC ARL), USA
- Shuping Xiong (KAIST), South Korea
- Matteo Zallio (University of Cambridge), UK