Attitudes and Use of Mobile Phones in Tweens

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: J. FowlerJ. Noyes

Abstract: As mobile phones become more and more ubiquitous, their use for various communication modes continues to increase. Ownership and use is most prevalent in young people (Baron, 2010, Cotten, 2009, Kasesniemi & Rautaninen, 2002, Ling & Yyttri, 2002, Rees & Noyes, 2007, Pew Project, 2011) and younger and younger individuals are owning and using mobile phones (Geser, 2006). Many studies have looked at mobile phone use and behaviour in 11-25 year olds but little research has been carried out with tweens (8-11 year olds). Attitudes to mobile phone use and perceptions of use towards mobile phones are investigated in tweens (8-11 year olds). 136 pupils in seven schools completed two questionnaires and 20 pupils carried out small group interviews. User behaviour with mobile phones is discussed with reference to the type of information that is communicated by voice and text. It is suggested that mobile phone use is increasing in tweens (8-11 year olds) and the way mobile phones are used are challenging traditional values and behaviours of social practice, for example, many tweens prefer to contact each other through texting rather than face to face or calling on the mobile phone.

Keywords: Mobile phones, Smartphone, Text, Call, Micro-coordination, Hyper-coordination

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100244

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