Polish Office Work Environment at Examples of Buildings Recently Completed in Cracow

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Anna Taczalska

Abstract: The article presents the analysis of contemporary office work environment in Cracow. The aim is to examine architectural and ergonomic standards of office buildings that are recently being completed. Cracow is the second biggest city in Poland. Its rentable office stock estimated at level of 519 400 sqm makes it the biggest regional office market (except Warsaw). Referring to Knight Frank's recent data on office area at the construction stage (about 114 500 sqm), and vacancy rate (only 3,1%), it is also called to be the most mature and promising one. Moreover, it is expected to grow constantly with its IT sector prospering well and being now the biggest BPO center in Poland. Due to this permanent, impressive stock increase, Cracow could certainly be a leading example of the modern office architecture (exterior and interior), designed and raised nowadays in Poland. Thereat it is a valuable case to analyze. To carry through the researches there was a practical method of visitation undertaken. Several office buildings has been chosen and some of the most significant tenants selected to visit their office, so that both the edifice and interior can be rated. The purpose is to collect set of particular information that can be later compared and analyzed. Therefore there is a questionnaire prepared to be filled each time. It covers many different aspects. All the topics to explore were assigned to one of the main two categories: architecture and structural aspects with all the technical equipment, or interior arrangement. The building part of questionnaire contains of such information as: category, building location, accessibility, area and building space, materials and construction solutions, technical equipment, additional facilities, ecological solutions. Researches of interiors to examine are: interior arrangement, design, interior microclimate (insulation, ventilation, heating), comfort and ergonomics of individual office work stand (size, density, privacy), social and recreation facilities. The aim of the research is to define pattern of office work environment in Cracow. Data collected, analyzed and supplemented with publications on the subject are to be compared with the European standard.

Keywords: Cracow, Office, Ergonomics, Work environment

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100091

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