Eco- Ergonomics in Architectural Practice

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jerzy CharytonowiczMaciej Skowronski

Abstract: Nowadays, one of the main consumers of natural resources and the biggest waste producers is the building sector. Only in the European Union it generates more than 30 per cent of waste every year. Reducing a negative impact of the building industry on the natural environment is an inter-disciplinary task which requires that the designer has possessed an extended knowledge of construction, materials, ecology and ergonomics. The optimum architectural solutions designed for achieving a comfort of using as well as an adequate microclimate of the interiors must be achieved with the respect towards the good condition of natural environment in which we are to live. And this is ecoergonomics that helps us meet this challenge and can be regarded as one of the key pillars of 21-century ecological architecture. This paper is to deal with the ecoergonomics applied in design practice whose aim is to reduce the negative impact of the building sector on the amount of waste produced and an excessive exploitation of resources.

Keywords: Eco- Ergonomics, Systainable Development, Material Resources, Material Reuse

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100100

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