Biomechanical Evaluation of Professional Violinists Musculoskeletal System Overloading – Motion Capture, Electromyography and Thermovision Study
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Wiktoria Spikowska-Pawelec, Michal Rychlik, Agata Rzepnicka
Abstract: The work of professional instrumentalists requires a great effort and many hours of daily practice. The musculoskeletal system is under a considerable strain, which is often excessive and taking the form of overload. In the specialist literature conditions of this type are referred to as "playing-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs)" of instrumental musicians. In the violinists these dysfunctions or diseases affect mostly the areas of the right shoulder and elbow, left hand and fingers, and cervical spine. This article presents some biomechanical methods of measuring the movement of violinists during the play. The study was performed using exoskeleton Motion Capture system. The authors present also the electromyography as a method for evaluating muscle tension. It enables the reference to ergonomic standards, applied to repetitive or monotype physical activity, and makes it possible to compare the involvement of individual muscles during play. Additionally, interesting observations concerning an instrumentalist’s body at work can be made using thermal imaging equipment. This method of measurement reflects physiological processes that accompany the effort. Research methods used in the article may help to determine the etiology of the most common ailments in string instrumentalists, provide accurate and objective biomechanical evaluation of the motion loads of musicians and may also pave the way for an effective prevention of diseases in this professional group.
Keywords: Biomechanics, Human Upper Body, Motion Capture Systems, Musculoskeletal Overloads of Musicians, Thermovision Techniques
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100102
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