Parametric Design of Airport Passenger Service Areas

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Michał SitekDariusz Masły

Abstract: The search for methodologies of programming the size of the functional zones of airport terminals has been spurred by the problem of processing statistical and computational information to the form of graphical representation in terms of a simplified model of an object in a linear system. Accordingly, the authors utilised a widely applicable tool to construct an algorithm for testing various options of detailed architectural solutions and design decisions. The possibility of testing various partial solutions should enable changes in the results of calculating the capacity of the terminal in relation to its size, with specific consideration of the passenger service zones. Input data in the form of numerical information on the infrastructure, as well as the standard and estimated throughput of the terminal are calculated by means of the Terminal Planning Spreadsheet Model devised by Transportation Research Board of the National Academies under the framework of the Airport Cooperative Research Program. The algorithm importing the input data contained in the calculation model is processed in the Grasshopper environment. The tool is currently being developed by the authors to be applied for transforming numerical data to optional forms on the bases of given geometrical representation criteria and their arrangement in mutual spatial interrelations (a part of the devised algorithm), an analysis of the size of the functional zones in relation to IATA standards and the number of passenger at the capacity peak. The entire elaboration is currently in preparation and shall be based on a case study using the numerical data on one of regional EU airports. The conducted experiments of processing the numerical data into their graphical representation result in simplified diagrams of the functional zones of a linear system of an airport terminal. The next step is to devise more detailed solutions for specific zones of the terminal and to test the elaborated solutions in view of the theoretical model relation and in situ observations of the existing terminal.

Keywords: airport, terminal, capacity, space programing, algorithmic

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100106

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