Urban-Kitchen. Ergonomics and Sustainability to the Social Complexity
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sonia Marino, Serenella Stasi
Abstract: In the use of office or residential space it is crucial to understand how they affect the socio-cultural and demographic changes, and how an ergonomic and sustainable design (ergosostenibile - ergosustainable) meet and conform to the needs of individuals while respecting the environment. In residential space such symbolic transformations can be observed in the kitchen, "laboratory" of choice to observe the evolution of design determined by structure and family relations from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. There were significant changes as a result of demographic changes and socio-economic factors. By late modernity, the family meets the individualistic needs and disruptive redeveloping the internal and external relations, and the kitchen loses its rigid definition between backstage and frontstage to reconfigure itself according to new setups. It remains the center of domesticity but new experiences to meet the new requirements when the kitchen becomes a place of socializing and sharing outside the family. This study seeks through the analysis of the changes that have occurred since the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. An innovative experiences to be understood as a space-kitchen ergosustainable (ergonomic and sustainable) can meet the needs of economic and socio-cultural, present and future, moving towards the urban kitchen: a kitchen as a space to be shared, projected as a part of communal area.
Keywords: Social Design, Holistic Ergonomics, Sustainable Design, Solar Cooking
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100110
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