Standards and Cross-Organization of Work: Two Useful Tools for A Prevention of Manual Handling of Patients in the Healthcare Sector

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jean -Pierre Zana

Abstract: Preventive responses most often made to caregivers are too often "gestures and postures training" type to reduce these occupational hazards. Taking the party to focus on manual handling of patients (MMP), it seemed appropriate to revisit prevention measures being implemented by combining the results of international standardization and reflections on the organization of work. The approach described above has found its place in the training actions in applied ergonomics and prevention of risks related to physical activity for caregivers and their management. The objective is to convey to employees, tools for evaluation of work situations, adapted to their activity for taking into account the ergonomics for reducing the risk occurrence of MSDs. Such an approach fit into the development of working group and the cross disciplinary organizations.

Keywords: patient manual handling, healthcare, risk assessment, trail of prevention

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100471

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