Superficial Electromyography and Motion Analysis Technologies applied to Ultrasound System User Interface and Probe Ergonomics Evaluation

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: F. VannettiaT. AtzoriaG. PasquiniaL. ForzonibL. ModibR. Molino-Lovaa

Abstract: The present work describes the ergonomics and usability preliminary tests regarding the human upper limb kinematics and strength evaluation of two diagnostic portable ultrasound scanners. The tests were performed by one expert sonographer in vivo on one subject in abdominal and vascular clinical applications and in vitro using a dynamometer. The two portable systems had different user interfaces and probe design: one system had traditionally-designed probes, a classic Soft keys interactive Menu, placed in the lower part of the screen, with toggles and buttons for the activation and adjustment of the functions, then a physical qwerty keyboard and a control panel. The other system had appleprobe-designed transducers, a touch screen integrated in the control panel with an interactive user interface and reduced number of physical buttons. Comparisons between the two systems considering the sonographer’s use are provided. Motion Analysis and Superficial Electromyography results will be presented and discussed on both systems regarding tests in vivo and in vitro only concerning Superficial Electromyography.

Keywords: Ultrasound User Interface, Ultrasound Probes, Motion Analysis, SEMG

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100493

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