Visual and Spatial Rehabilitation for Elderly in a Sensorial Path
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: G. Andreonic, F. Costaa, S. Muschiatoa, L. Spreaficob, D. Tinèa
Abstract: The elderly population affected by Alzheimer’s disease presents many dysfunctions related to the course of the degenerative disease. Some of these disorders are treated with physical and cognitive rehabilitative the-rapies. In order to help and develop the therapies, the article explains the project of a new modular rehabilitative platform and the test made on it using Alzheimer’s patients. The test conclusions show that the patients interact with the sensorial, visual and tactile stirrings provided by the platform; the repetition of these stirrings through exercises can lead to a longer maintenance of the perceptual functions. The article describes the first step to a neurological rehabilitation for Alzheimer’s and a walk rehabilitation for elderly people with balance problems.
Keywords: User Centred Design, Physically Impaired Worker, PC Workplace, Ethnographic Observations, Biomechanics.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100498
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