Using Santos DHM to Design the Working Environment for Sonographers in Order to Minimize the Risks of Musculoskeletal Disorders and to Satisfy the Clinical Recommendations
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: M. Mazzolaa, L. Forzonib, S. D’Onofriob, C.E. Standolia, G. Andreonia
Abstract: The percentage of sonographers reporting consequences of pain and discomfort is close to 80% and the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography demonstrates that sonographers, on average, experience pain or Musculoskeletal disorders within 5 years of entering the profession. Digital Human Models (DHM) can be an essential tools, supporting the definition of a correct medical environment to perform Sonography in response to the regulatory aspects that standardize the Health Care design and in setting up the ergonomics requirements. The methodology proposed to perform an optimal setting of the workspace considers the different aspects of a diagnostic Ultrasound (US) examination room in a clinical setting: sonographer's seating and examination bed, US system and probe. Vascular and Abdominal applications were considered. The aim of this study is to present an example of how an Advanced DHM can support the design of the working environment for sonographers in order to minimize the risks of muscle-skeletal disorders and to satisfy the clinical recommendations. Results were compared with data presented in previous studies about ergonomics in professional sonography and they demonstrate to be coherent with the plan for an ideal set-up.
Keywords: Digital Human Modeling, Diagnostic Ultrasound Ergonomics, Sonographer, WRMSD
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100406
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