Design of a Digital Human Modelling Module for Consideration of Anthropometric Diversity
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Erik Brolinab, Dan Högberga, Lars Hansonbc
Abstract: Digital human modelling (DHM) tools are useful when evaluating human-machine interaction as they enable consideration of anthropometric diversity by facilitating the creation of human models, so called manikins, of different sizes and proportions. This paper presents the design of a module, as part of a DHM tool, made to enable a more holistic approach when defining manikin characteristics. The module is created based on previous user interviews and literature studies on the use of DHM systems and advanced mathematical methods for anthropometric diversity consideration. The module is aimed to support and guide non-expert users while at the same time support effective use and provide appropriate functionality also for expert users. The module acts as a digital guide and supports standardised working procedures when creating manikins to be used in subsequent ergonomics simulations and analyses, and shows a strong visual connection between user interface choices and their response.
Keywords: Anthropometry, Digital Human Modelling, User Interface, Human Diversity, Manikin
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100418
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