Evolution of a New Adjustable Motorcycle Test Rig for Measuring Motorcyclist Fatigue during Prolonged Riding

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Helmi RashidMuhammad Izzat Nor Ma’arofAbdul Rahman OmarSukarnur Che AbdullahRoseleena Jaafar

Abstract: Studies concerning motorcycle have been an overwhelming area of research interest since the past few years. This trend of studies focuses on many issues relating to motorcycle including design, safety, accident preventions, fatalities statistics, ergonomics and many more. In performing these studies, researchers have used many methodologies, tools and also equipment in acquiring their data. In this study, the evolution of a new adjustable motorcycle test rig is introduced. Combination of computer aided design (CAD) and finite element analysis (FEA) software made it possible to design and simulates the test rig’s conceptual design before being fabricated. The test rig was designed to provide full adjustability for researchers to replicate established motorcyclist riding postures based on the Riding Posture Classification (RIPOC) system. The test rig setup also provides elements of environmental effects to give a more real riding experience and better fidelity to motorcyclist respondents during experiments. By having such test rig that is coupled with electronic data logger and telemetry devices, studies concerning riding postures and fatigue can be done in a much proper method and controlled experimental setup with better safety for both the respondents and researchers. Adjustable attributes provided on the test rig makes it a unique design of its own and is being patented to protect the author’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on the test rig design.

Keywords: Motorcycle accidents, simulators, motorcycle test rig, motorcycle ergonomics, motorcyclist fatigue, prolonged riding

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100663

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