Traffic Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Europe – A study of association with cultural, demographic and income variables
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Isilda G. Barata a, Denis A. Coelho b
Abstract: This contribution reviews key data on road traffic fatalities across Europe and seeks associative links between the afore-mentioned data and per capita income, new car sales and national cultural dimensions of European countries. The rate of population shift from poverty to affluence has been exponentially growing in many countries, with access to products and systems having increased. Understanding the association between cultural dimensions and road fatalities can point, at the European level, to the countries, where national dimensions of culture represent a predisposition for greater or less risk adversity and safe or unsafe road behaviors. This study may hence assist decision makers, nationally and at European level to tailor prevention campaigns and safety programs and measures to each national reality and culture. The regression model showed a single independent variable within the model of traffic fatalities per capita, which was power distance.
Keywords: Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Traffic Safety, Risk Taking in Traffic
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100675
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