Influence of Information Flows on the Results of a Driver’s Activity in the System «Driver – Car – Road – Environment»

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Viktor DolyaIvetta AfanasievaUrii DavidichIryna EngleziNizami GyulyevOleksii Prasolenko

Abstract: The article deals with the impact of information flows on results of the driver’s activity in the system «driver – car – road – environment». Existing research on the impact of information flows on the characteristics of the driver are analyzed in this paper. It is determined that the previous studies do not study sufficiently the impact of information obtained from the additional sources (bill-boards on the side of roads, cell phones etc.) on the activity of the driver and do not research time of driver’s distraction from performing main activities. As a result of laboratory studies the mathematical model of the impact of information flows based simultaneously on indicators of Electroencephalography (EEG) and EEG and ECG of time of driver’s distraction from performing main activities is formed. Correlations of impact of information obtained from additional sources on time of driver’s distraction from performing of main activity are received. Statistical evaluations of the obtained models demonstrate their adequacy and possible implementations.

Keywords: information flow, functional state, a driver, distraction.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100680

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