Extracting Design Information from the Outputs of Systems Analysis: A Case Study in Public Transport Ticketing

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Gemma J. M. ReadaPaul M. SalmonbMichael G. LennécDaniel P. Jenkinsd

Abstract: Analysis and design activities underpinned by the systems thinking are required for the design of modern complex sociotechnical systems. Cognitive work analysis is a commonly used analysis framework for understanding complex systems. Although the framework was developed with a view to then using analysis outputs to inform system design, questions about its direct application to design remain. This paper will describe an approach that was developed to support the translation of cognitive work analysis outputs into design-relevant information. The approach was applied to a case study analysis of a public transport ticketing system, with the insights documented during the analysis being used to prepare design materials for a participatory design workshop. The process of identifying design-relevant information from the analysis outputs and applying this to the preparation of design materials was found to be structured and efficient, providing the potential for traceability between analysis and design without constraining the creativity required for design innovation.

Keywords: System design; Cognitive work analysis; Systems analysis; Transport; Ticketing system design; Transport ticketing system

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100691

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