Does Range Anxiety Exists? Experiences from the ELVIRE Project

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Maria Nilsson ab

Abstract: This paper reports on the results from the EU-project ELVIRE regarding the phenomenon of range anxiety, the fear of not reaching the destination in an electrical vehicle (EV). Presented is the initial analysis of a questionnaire study with 42 Swedish EV drivers targeting their experience of range from a behavioural perspective (e.g., driving habits), as well as from a psychological perspective (e.g., experience of unease while driving). The following questions are addressed: (a) How is range anxiety portrayed by EV drivers? and (b) What is the role of experience of EVs for range anxiety? Regarding (a), findings show that the drivers’ posses a behaviour indicating that they suffer from range anxiety, although, they explicitly state that they have a low level of range anxiety; highlighting the unconscious nature of range anxiety. Regarding (b), statistical analysis show that there is a significant difference in level of experienced range anxiety and understandings of vehicle information but no significant difference in driving style between drivers who has more than 6-months experience compared to those with less than 6-month experience; indicating that driving style are manifested early on and stays stable over time.

Keywords: Electric vehicle, User experience, Range Anxiety, driving behaviour

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100693

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