Fuzzy Model of Air Traffic Controller Attitude to the Risk During Decision Making

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Alexii M. RevaSergii P. Borsuk

Abstract: Air traffic controllers (as “first line” operators) professional activity may be described as a continuous chain of decisions, being developed and implemented under influence of different natural factors, including risks of stochastic and deterministic type. Thus, taking into account air traffic control (ATC) influence upon flight safety, problem solution of ATC danger estimation that may appear under conditions of aircraft flight levels separation failure is permanently urgent. For that purpose term set of linguistic variable “risk level” was formed. This set includes terms “very high”, “high”, “above common”, “common”, “below common”, “low” “very low”. Using modified Cooper-Harper scale and information gather method that may be described as “point on research interval” along with membership function construction procedure based on “supplementary matrices”, fuzzy generic models of 132 ATC students attitude to 10-kilometer interval between aircrafts (for horizontal en-route flight in АС (Approach Control) ТМА (Terminal Control Area) with ATC AS (automated system)) violation was received. This allows to place in correspondence quantitative and qualitative factors of flight conditions and to define human factor influence upon acceptance of distances between aircrafts. Since formation of initial term set includes modifier “very”, use of procedures reverse to concentration and dilation may reduce term set to five terms in it. That is exact number of ICAO recommended quantity of danger identifiers. This allowed to transform correspondent membership functions. Received connections between quantitative and qualitative estimates of distances between aircrafts was basics for solving ICAO’s “risk triangle” in response to “event danger” parameter.

Keywords: Flight Safety, Human Factor, Air Traffic Controllers, Operator Attitude, Risk Levels, Fuzzy Modeling

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100710

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