Hands and Feet Free Driving: Ready or Not?

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Victoria A. BanksNeville A. Stanton

Abstract: “Almost-driverless” cars are coming with an aim to improve the safety of our roads. Full automation of longitudinal and lateral control will enable the driver to become “hands and feet free” but without active control, one question remains. What is the driver actually doing? This paper looks at how multi-system automation that enables the driver to become “hands and feet free” may affect the driving system and the role of the driver within it. Using Operator Sequence Diagrams to explore Distributed Cognition in the driving system, the authors explore the interaction that may occur between the driver and vehicle subsystems in a “hands and feet free” driving system and how this may change the drivers position within the control-feedback driving loops. Acknowledging the role of the driver in this way highlights the need for ongoing Human Factors research into the implications of highly automated vehicles on driver behavior.

Keywords: Autonomous vehicles, Control-Feedback Loops, Distributed Cognition, Systems Engineering

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100668

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