DfD_UD_ID_DfA: Design for Inclusion in Sailing Yacht Design
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jessica Lagatta
Abstract: “Design for Inclusion” is a method that includes various way of thinking, for example: DfD_Design for Disability, UD_Universal Design, ID_Inclusive Design, DfA_Design for All. Today these disciplines are often evaluated in the same way; UD, ID, DfD are frequently used as synonymous. Actually there are many differences among them. To shed some light on this problem can help us to work better and to understand the importance that these disciplines have on yacht sailing design today. This Paper shows the result of the first step of a research for University G. D’Annunzio (Chieti-Pescara, Italy), Architecture and Design Department, in order to complete a three year Ph.D. At the end of the third year the target to goal is to put the final touch on an analysis system that should be useful to distinguish the foretold methods by studying the sailing yacht. On this document we can read the theory back on the research and we can find the most similar features and differences among DfD, UD, ID, DfD methods. Continuing we can read about how “Design for Inclusion” influenced sailing yacht design using also historical examples.
Keywords: Design for Inclusion, DfD, UD, ID, DfA, Sailing Yacht Design
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100720
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