Choosing Routes and Looking Around Carefully: Aspects of Security Management in Behavior of Nonprofessional Motorcyclists

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Andrey Rogério Campos GoliasIldeberto Muniz de Almeida

Abstract: In Brazil, many motorcycle accidents have occurred in displacements home-work/school-meals. This study aims to understand the aspects and origins of accidents involving motorcycles used to transport. Therefore, analyzes 20 cases of nonprofessional motorcyclists that accidents occurred in 2011 in Paranavaí, Paraná State, Brazil. Consisted of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and observations at accidents locals, and analyzes were supported by concepts of Activity Ergonomics and guided by the model of analysis and prevention of work accidents. Motorcycle riding strategies were found and constitute prevention. Strategies of motorcycle conduction were found, that are to prevent, based on diachronic management, like route choice, time planning, knowledge of road and vehicle characteristics; and synchronic management, like constant vigilance, change path and attempt to be seen. Accidents occurred in a factors network, when management aspects cognitive fail. The accident, in this light, should be seen as a result of the interaction of task demands, competition between objectives, organizational factors and cognitive processes. Thus, nonprofessional riders are not crazy looking for the accident. Training activities of motorcyclists should highlight the cognitive, guiding with respect to multiple aspects in motorcycle conduction and showing the importance of synchronic and diachronic aspects, as well as their interactions.

Keywords: Accidents, Occupational; Accidents, Traffic; Motorcycles; Accident Prevention.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100745

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