Ergonomics and Resilience in Crisis Management

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Mario Cesar R. Vidal aPaulo Victor R. de Carvalho b

Abstract: The aim of this article is to discuss the crisis management from the ergonomics point of view, i.e., presenting useful and applied recommendations, coming from a joint process of diagnostic and conception, conducted by experts capable to produce significant changes in the organizations’ productive processes. The article is structured in three parts. In the first we present the historical evolution of the risk management concepts, since their military-strategic origins up to their actual definitions as a strategic and integrated part of the organizations business management processes. In the second part, we discuss some crisis management models and events from the ergonomics and resilience engineering point of view, i.e., the analysis inside the activity. We conclude this article based on resilience and ergonomic concepts, claiming how essential an adequate crisis management process is for the efficient functioning and even survival of any modern organization.

Keywords: ergonomics, crisis management, safety.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100176

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