HSEQ Assessment Procedure for Supplying Industrial Network: A Tool for Implementing Sustainability and Responsible Work Systems into SMES

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Seppo VäyrynenHenri JounilaJukka Latva-Ranta

Abstract: Many Finnish manufacturing enterprises are utilizing a HSEQ Assessment Procedure (HSEQ AP) for suppliers as far as being a prerequisite factor of guaranteeing success in collaboration. Multi-organizational HSEQ management can be arranged by a proper participation of all employers at a shared work place and by not forgetting their work system with outcomes. Many of suppliers (N~120) have been assessed according to the HSEQ AP by the corresponding consortium. Typically, suppliers, often various contractors, belong to the category of microenterprises, small enterprises, and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The paper not only describes the key features of HSEQ AP, but it as well shows a preliminary evidence of the positive effects of HSEQ AP. The general principles and practices behind HSEQ AP, in addition to the ones developed by local research and development (R&D), has comprised European Union and national legislation, Total Quality Management (TQM), Excellence and Quality Award Models, social responsibility, and a total of social, economic and ecological sustainability. HSEQ AP is able in practice to promote sustainability in a scale suitable for microenterprises or SMEs. HSEQ AP provides a potential to promote productivity and QConformity within a work system with desired and undesired outcomes.

Keywords: Accident Prevention, Conformity, Contractor, Environment Management; Excellence Model, HSEQ Audit, Integrated Management System, SMEs, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Work System with Outcomes

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100177

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