A Conceptual Debate Upon Ergonomic Point of View of Work Accidents

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Mario Cesar R. Vidal aRenato José Bonfatti bPaulo Victor Rodrigues de Carvalhoc

Abstract: The aim of this article is to discuss the statement of an ergonomic point of view in order to ensure the presenting useful and applied formulation of work accidents within contemporary foundations. In fact the expression ergonomic point of view outlines different approaches of work, working, work situation and work design. After a methodological frame, it is presented the conceptual evolution analysis of the work accident concept. Then it is discussed the expression “ergonomic point of view”. We conclude with a synthesis obtained from crossing the notable steps on work accident evolution and the distinct points of view claiming to be the ergonomic the best one Theoretical and methodological issues are also presented as a result of discussion.

Keywords: Ergonomics, Safety, Work Accidents, Resilience, Robustness

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100180

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