Common and Chronic Problems Among Nurses Working in Healthcare Units of Uttrakhand State of India
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Conference Proceedings
Authors: Indu Karki, Promila Sharma, S.K. Rastogi, Pratibha Joshi
Abstract: Nursing, the profession of caring for the sick and the convalescent, the disabled and the helpless, is one of the noblest professions throughout the world. From the general ward to the operation theatre in the hospital, nursing is the most important component of patient care. The process of restoring patients to normal health depends as much, if not more, on nurses as on doctors or surgeons. In fact, the availability of effective nursing services is an indicator of the health of a country's medicare system. Stress in the nursing profession is an ongoing worldwide problem. Of all health care professionals, nurses have been found to have especially high levels of stress. A study among a large sample of Swedish nurses revealed that more than 80 per cent of the nurses reported high or very high job strain. Job stress in the nursing profession has been associated with decreased job satisfaction, increased psychological and physical complaints and absenteeism. Work conditions that have been associated with stress outcomes are inappropriate levels of formalization of work procedures (too much or too little formalization of work procedures), lack of adequate communication within the organization, and organizational politic. On the whole, it was observed that 40 per cent of nurses were suffering from headache and few nurses i.e. 17.5 per cent having back pain. The individual observation of government nurses (27.14 per cent) reported headache from the job which were temporary in nature. However, skin rashes and allergy was reported by 17.14 per cent. Further, 17.14 per cent government nurses suffered from temporary cough and cold due to other sources then their work. Occurrence of common illness among private nurses reveals that maximum of 42 per cent nurses were suffering from temporary back pain from job and only 8 per cent reported skin rashes and allergy which was due to their job. Temporary cough, cold and fever were reported by 24 per cent of private nurses from other sources. Most prevalent chronic illness was anemia among 19.17 per cent nurses. A very few of 1.67 per cent of nurses were having thyroid problem. The prevalence of chronic illness among government nurses indicates that 8.57 per cent nurses suffering from temporary respiratory disease. Anemia due to other sources (apart from job) which was temporary in nature was reported by 15.17 per cent nurses. Continuous problem of blood pressure was prevalent among 17.14 per cent government nurses which were originated due to long hours of job. Again a few proportion of government nurses (15.71 per cent) reported problem of diabetes mellitus. In case of private nurses, each of 12 percent nurses reported problems of anemia and gastrointestinal disorder. Only, 4 per cent nurses were suffered from temporary respiratory diseases. However, 8 per cent nurses reported continuous problem of diabetes mellitus and blood pressure.
Keywords: Nursing, Anemia, Ergonomics, Job stress, Physiological and Psychological Complaints
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100151
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