Design, Maintenance and Refurbishment of Turbines in a Collaborative Environment
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Arcadio Reyes-Lecuonaa, Luis Molina-Tancoa, Daniel González-Toledoa, Susana Floresb, Eva Frutosb, Harshada Patelc, Robert Houghtonc
Abstract: In this paper, a conceptual prototype of a collaborative tool for supporting decision making in the context of power plants maintenance is presented. The context of this industrial problem together with an analysis of the need for such a tool is also described. Then, a use case analysis is performed, as a conceptual specification of this tool. This conceptual prototype was evaluated using the cognitive walkthrough technique and the results of that evaluation process are also presented here.
Keywords: Collaborative work, 3D visualization, Cognitive walkthrough, Turbine maintenance.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100319
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