An Evaluation of Human Factors on Confirmation/Check Tasks in Organizational Safety Management

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Kumiko TakahashiRyoko IkedaYusaku Okada

Abstract: In organizations’ safety management, it is most important to ensure workers check their own work so that they can detect human error as early as possible. We study the checking task from the viewpoint of human factors with the aim of identifying factors impeding the performance of the checking task and proposing a method for mitigating the effects of such impeding factors. The checking task does not always play a good performance, making workers desirous of performance improvement. However, few attempts have been made to study the checking task beyond analyzing individual, concrete work contexts. We, first, identified and categorized problems regarding the checking task by statistically analyzing the result of the survey covering over 20,000 workers of 15 companies from several industries such as railway and general hospitals. The survey included distributing questionnaire and on-site interviews, both targeting site workers. We, next, got down on to further study the result of the above analysis as that we developed advice/tips data that can assist those who prepare a checklist. Based on the result of these analyses, we compiled a guideline on what to discuss and how to address it when adding new items to an existing checklist.

Keywords: Confirmation/Check Task, Human Factors

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100322

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