PUMA - Development and Application of a Tool for Supporting Nuclear Power Plant Operating Teams in Unexpected and Unknown Situations

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jonas BrünggerCornelia KleindienstJulia KochFrank Ritz

Abstract: The method PUMA was developed to help operating teams coping with potentially critical situations that are unexpected and unknown, that means, situations that cannot be handled by standardized procedures. The method was developed with the participation of the operating teams of a nuclear power plant in Switzerland within the project TeamSafe (see also: Kleindienst, Brüngger, Koch & Ritz, 2014). By participation of the operating teams good practices were collected and condensed to the method PUMA, which consists of two essential components: "structure problem-solving process" and "coordination/communication during team discussion". Especially the encouragement of reflexivity and inclusion of all team members for information collection, situation assessment and planning of measures is supported by the tool. The method PUMA has been introduced to 10 operating teams (n=53) in the nuclear power plant. During the annually held simulator trainings in 2012 and in 2013, all control room teams of the plant have been trained theoretically and practically in applying PUMA for two simulation scenarios. After both training units all participants have been asked to evaluate the PUMA tool in a questionnaire. Analyses of the results clearly show that the tool is seen as a useful supplement to the existing standardized procedures.

Keywords: Adaptive behaviour, team situation awareness, system safety, resilience, nuclear power

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100325

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