Macroergonomic Premises for Organizational Innovations in Business Corporations
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Leszek Pacholski*
Abstract: The paper discusses the issue of so-called multiagent systems ergonomics. This approach is addressed for organization structures that combine human societies and the organization and technological component. Such multiagent systems, called macroergonomic systems, concern only the internal organization of the enterprise. However, they can also enclose structural business conglomerates of groups of many enterprises. These systems, represented by modern business corporations, can have not only an organized functional form, but also a form of composite network relations, hybrid, or even (seemly chaotic) swarm. The macroergonomic interpretation of the functioning of modern business corporations shows the particular role of the Human Factor, represented by White and Blue Collars, which have the innovative, who have the innovative technology and innovative managerial solutions, social and business objectives. The article shows a case study of organizational innovations in two Polish business corporations in order to form a three-stage sequence of such events, enclosing: classic innovations, a so-called “new wave” and “creating a proposal for the buyer”. Conclusions of the paper present the idea of “macroergonomic organizational innovations’ matrix”. Such matrix can be treated as a theoretical generalization of the problem of implementing macroergonomic innovative solutions. These solutions have been illustrated in a form of two models: process and structural innovations. Each of them can be realized in two variants of events: endogenic and exogenous.
Keywords: Macroergonomics, Organizational Design & Management, Corporate Management
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100326
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