The Use of Web Application “Mobilne Miasto” [Mobile City] in the Conveyance of Information About Urban Space in the System Human Factor – Technology
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Marek Golinski
Abstract: This paper describes selected aspects of the research work carried out within the research and development project called “An integrated system for supporting the access to information". The objective of the study were the possibilities of using the web application "Mobilne miasto" in an urban space. Particular attention was paid to increasing the efficiency of access to information about the urban space, as well as to allowing impact on the environment through the application. The article discusses the issues related to a study of information needs, where key features which states have been optimized were analyzed, that is: usefulness of information (obtained by studying the needs), the reliability of information used in urban areas (accuracy, comprehensiveness) and the time of access to that information (analysis of the amount of necessary information).
Keywords: Mobile devices, Usefulness of information, Reliability of information, Crowdsourcing
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100334
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