Analysis of Temperature on the Surface of theWrist in Individuals Emulating an Operation with Highly Repetitive Movements Using Sensory Thermography

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sandra K. EnriquezClaudia CamargoEnrique J. de la VegaJesús E. OlguínJuan A. López

Abstract: This study focuses on the application of sensory thermography, as a non-invasive method to evaluate the musculoskeletal injuries that industry operators performing Highly Repetitive Movements (HRM) may acquire, which could enhance the pathological understanding of the Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD). Changes in wrist temperature throughout the test will be monitored and analysed, with the aim to show the feasibility of the sensory thermography method for wrists. To undertake the experiments, we had three individuals which had common physical conditions, to which the test was applied in a University, following a pre-defined set of conditions; four samples were taken for eachindividual.The maximum temperature was recorder during the 1st test of individual 1, in the left wrist, reaching a temperature of 34.16ºC after 2:06:47 hours, simultaneously at this time lower back pain surged. Analysed data showed that trends do not follow a normal distribution, but a Weibull distribution, with a correlation coefficient in the range of 0.86 and 0.91. It was concluded that it is possible to analyse patterns of temperature in the musculoskeletal areas of an individual performing HRM, which could lead to CTD. By using the sensory thermography CTD’s could be prevented, below an acceptable cost/benefit threshold.

Keywords: Temperature, Sensory thermography, Highly repetitive movement (HRM), Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD), Wrist, Musculoskeletal disorder (MSD)

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100346

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