Ergonomic Aspects of an Intelligent Building
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Krystyna Strumiłło
Abstract: The issue of intelligent building is one of the most important design challenges in today's world. The main factors that influence the development of an intelligent building are cultural, civilization, technical and economical conditioning. The development of information technology and control engineering has allowed the construction of a building that responds to the needs of people in an automatic and flexible way. Full integration of electronic systems allows a building to be categorised as smart objects and attest to its quality. Human factors are considered in the context of intelligent building design that is to adapt to the requirements of users in order to improve the quality of life. The purpose of this article is to show the ergonomic aspects of an intelligent building taking into account factors affecting the peace of mind and well-being of people in two environments: work environment and housing environment (work environment and housing environment are the primary spaces where people spend a major part of their life). These are not only technical factors, but also elements associated with the arrangement of space. The article discusses factors which also determine the quality of an intelligent building. It examines the ergonomic aspects within the interdisciplinary context taking into account, above all, convenience, comfort and safety of users.
Keywords: Intelligent building, ergonomic aspects, housing environment, working environment
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100310
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