Enhancing the Vigilance of Car Drivers:a Review on Fatigue Caused by the Driving Task and Possible Countermeasures

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sigrid van VeenPeter VinkMatthias FranzPeer-Oliver Wagner

Abstract: Before fatigue caused by the driving task becomes a safety threat, it already has a negative effect on well-being. Therefore, it is desirable to intervene in an early stage of the fatiguing process to decrease the perceived load from a monotonous driving task and to create a more pleasurable driving experience. Enhancing driver vigilance could also create a competitive advantage for the car manufacturer. This paper reviews the existing body of knowledge concerning driver fatigue theories and countermeasures against driver fatigue. Current (automotive) features concerning fatigue are also evaluated. A fatigue countermeasure system should measure and/or predict fatigue, intervene with a stimulus and subsequently restore performance and alertness. A distinction can be made between physical and cognitive fatigue. Physical fatigue results mainly from static sitting issues. This type of fatigue can be countered with micro-movements and the stimulation of postural change. Cognitive fatigue can be further divided into task-related and sleep-related fatigue. Fatigue resulting from task overload can be countered with automation and assist systems. Fatigue from task underload can be countered with a variety of stimulation. Sleep-related fatigue is considered intervention resistant by some researchers, although it also seems to be possible to manipulate the circadian rhythm with blue light.

Keywords: driver fatigue, countermeasures, comfort

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100364

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