Vessel Information - Rich Meta-file to Increase the Life Cycle of Small Craft Passenger Boats
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Nikos Frangakisa, Vassilis Stratisb, Vaggelis Papakonstantinouc, Eric Caughi d
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present a methodology that will focus on the increase of the life cycle of small craft passenger boats made of composite materials (Glass Reinforced Plastic, GRP). Passenger boats (small craft, with length overall up to 30m), are sea-going vessels which carry passengers for recreational purposes, such as small charter cruises, for the purposes of scheduled routes or transportation of professional personnel or ship crews. The goal is to develop a user-friendly, dynamic information-rich vessel's technical metafile will include all aspects of the vessel from initial customer specifications and required regulations, to shipyard designs, final sea-trial data to post-delivery surveys and inspections. Using the meta-file as the main knowledgebase, a number of applications will be developed to allow the collaborative building of the vessel with synchronous update of the current rules and regulations, allowing this way all the interested parties to be up-to-date and fully aware.
Keywords: Product life cycle management, Boat building, Frequent upgrades
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100314
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