Demographic Factors Affecting Perceived Fatigue Levels among CNC Lathe Operators
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Juan Luis Hernandez Arellanoa, J Nieves Serratos Perezb
Abstract: Fatigue in industrial workers is a multifactorial phenomenon. There are demographic factors that may have a significant influence on the perception of fatigue, but they remain almost unexplored to date.. The present study addresses this issue. A survey to assess fatigue was conducted among CNC lathe operators in three industrial concerns where automotive parts are manufactured. Homokinetic joints in site 1 (121 workers); camshafts in site 2 (121 workers); pistons in site 3 (21 workers). The subjects completed a survey instrument that included two questionnaires to assess fatigue: SOFI−S and OFER−S. There was also a section asking for demographic information. The MANOVA procedure was used to explore the influence of the demographic factors on fatigue. Factors affecting the fatigue dimensions (SOFI−S) were gender, body weight, stature, total length of sleep during a day, and age. Factors affecting the fatigue states (OFER-S) were weight of load being handled, gender, total length of sleep during a day, length of stay in the firm. Non-influential factors were educational status and whether the worker has a second paid job.
Keywords: Human fatigue, CNC Lathe, operators, demographic factors.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100445
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