The Changes of Information Technology Structure in Condition of Adaptation the Enterprises’ Management System to the Knowledge-Based Economy Requirements
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Joanna Kałkowska
Abstract: The accepted conception of the knowledge-based economy development supported by capital achieved from the European Union is a great background for enterprises’ development. The direct and indirect opportunities which are created by the knowledge development economy is a sign for adaptation the enterprises’ development strategy to the new economy conditions as well as to proper selection and development of information technologies which are one of the basis of adaptation to the new reality. According to this, it seems to be observed a kind of growing trend of ICT importance in Poland. Also, the global or European development of ICT affects the use of ICT in Poland what directly influence on the Polish enterprises competitiveness. According to this, also the importance of different e-services as well as IT outsourcing will be increasing. The paper is focused on selected research results concerning the changes in usage of ICT technologies in selected Polish enterprises in a process of adopting into knowledge-based economy requirements. Presented researches of ICT technologies are a part of broaden research concerning adaptation the enterprises management systems into knowledge based economy requirements which are carried out since 2010 at the Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan University of Technology.
Keywords: Information and communication technologies (ICT), Knowledge-based economy
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100432
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