Experimental Study of Task Load Measurement for Basic Flight Operation Task
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lijing Wang a, Xueli He a, Yuhui Wang a, Yingchun Chen b
Abstract: The aim of this research is to do experimental measurement research of the task load by subjective and objective measurement, and find the most effective measurement tool for the basic flight task load, for providing experimental research foundation for task load quantitative research. Three sets of experiments were designed in this research. The first two sets of experiments were based on human information processing stages and different processing modalities, designed as following: Visual (Perception) - Cognition – Manual (Responding), and Auditory (Perception) - Cognition –Manual (Responding), with consideration of different processing codes; the third set of experiment was designed based on flight operation task (obtaining instrument data information), including two experiments. Physiological parameters of participants were recorded with apparatus, and questionnaires were used to record subjective evaluation results. The experimental data were processed with correlation and significance analysis. The correlations between the pupil diameter, subjective evaluation and their average value are high (p<0.05). The significance between each set of data of the pupil diameter are high (p<0.05). The task load of basis flight operation task units can be measurement based on the pupil diameter and subjective assessment, the task load of perception tasks, cognition tasks, responding tasks divided from flight operation task can be measured by subjective evaluation.
Keywords: Task load; Physiological Index; Subjective Evaluation; Basic Flight Task
DOI: 10.54941/10013
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