System of Lifelong Learning in Occupational Safety and Health in the Slovak Republic
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Tomáš Kozík a, Ivana Tureková a, Róbert Bulla b, Terézia Bagalová a
Abstract: The area of OSH is currently widely debated issue in the European Union and also in other countries of the world. It is a given fact that the level of development of OSH standards and their application in daily life of a human is directly related to the quality of life and economic development of society. In that connection there must be interest in the educational system that perform the task of preparing the public perception of the importance of OSH in the lives of individuals and the acquisition of respect the OHS rules in work and non-work activities.Legal norms and OSH measures are very precisely elaborated. However daily experience of real life shows the low level of perception, understanding and respect for the principles of safe work and human health protection at the workplace and during free time.Authors of the report analyzes the state educational program and the curriculum framework to answer the question, whether the current education system in the Slovak Republic in relation to current legal standards and rules adequately prepares graduates of particular types of schools, to show an interest for safe conditions of work and life in healthy environment.
Keywords: Safety and Health, Education, Safety technician, Certified safety technician, Labour inspector
DOI: 10.54941/1005
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