Workplace Lighting as an Element Influencing the Working Process
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ivana Turekova, Tomas Kozik, Terezia Bagalova, Jan Neovesky
Abstract: Artificial light measurements can be carried out with the goal of verification of the lighting designed using the computer models used in designing, if the workplace is already arranged. This paper deals with the principles and gained results of the intensity of artificial lighting in an average office. Gained results are confronted with values of the computer program DIALux used in designing the lighting of work places. The results are compared with the results given by technical standards and legal regulations. The real result of the measurement is gained not only by meeting the limited values, but also by right arrangement of work tables. However, the most important thing is the work comfort of employees. Optical performance determines labor productivity with all its economic outcomes.
Keywords: Workplace, Lighting, Illumination, Health and Safety
DOI: 10.54941/1006
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