Effects of Different Surfaces on Biomechanical Loading of the Upper Extremities While Handling Wheelbarrows

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yen-Hui Lin

Abstract: This study examines the effects of ground surfaces, gross weight loaded, and wheelbarrows on muscular activities, hand force, and subject-perceived exertions while pushing a construction trolley in a straight line on a horizontal surface. Twelve subjects pushed the trolleys on three different surfaces: asphalt pavement, paving gravel, and grass. Gross weight when loaded was 45, 75, and 105 kg, and two construction trolleys (a one-wheeled barrow and two-wheeled barrow) were used in this experiment. Experimental results show that gross weight loaded significantly affected muscular activities, hand force, and subject-perceived exertion while pushing construction trolleys. Additionally, different ground surfaces and wheelbarrow type also affected the muscular activities of the dominant hand; grass generated the highest muscle load and asphalt pavement generated the smallest muscle load. Muscular activity increased significantly in dominant hand with the one-wheeled barrow when compared with the two-wheeled barrow, suggesting that, in terms of muscle loads, the two-wheeled barrow is better than the one-wheeled barrow.

Keywords: Pushing task, construction trolleys, muscular activity

DOI: 10.54941/10042

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