Study on Safe Activity Activation Based on the Attitude Survey About the Safe Activity of the Employee
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Takahiro Oikawa, Yusaku Okada
Abstract: The manager must review whether there is not activity developing whether an employee can feel a merit to oneself for current security activity without an employee understanding. Therefore the manager clarifies what kind of thought an employee has for safe activity carrying out now, and it is necessary for dissatisfaction and understanding to grasp whether there is an insufficient point concretely where. And a manager shows the guidance so that activity keeps canceling them smoothly, and it is important that an employee carries it out.Therefore, in this study, I perform the safe attitude survey to an employee and clarify a thought, consciousness for the safe activity of the employee. And I plan activation of the safe activity based on it. For example, I suggest the action guidance that aimed to improvement of the quality of the example that felt a chill and at understanding to safe activity and the improvement of the will. I grasp it about the consciousness in the depths of the employee who is not cooperative with the basic problem and activity that are not seen only in one investigation versatilely by carrying out plural attitude surveys, and putting the result together and allow you to show the action guidance that met the present conditions more on this occasion. (see Figure 1 )Figure 1 Image of the action guidance choice process
DOI: 10.54941/1008
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