Identification of High-Intensity Physical Activities during Child Rearing Using a Triaxial Accelerometer

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Masato TakanokuraKenji AriizumiNozomu ImaiSeiko TakiTetsuo Yamada

Abstract: Child rearing is an important activity for parents or caregivers, but the workload involved in child rearing has not yet been quantitatively assessed to improve the works. This study measured the daily physical activity of three fathers and one mother by an activity meter which included a triaxial accelerometer, in terms of metabolic equivalents (METs) and the type of activity (locomotive or non-locomotive). Participant wore the activity meter around their chest from awakening in the morning to sleeping at night during child rearing and while working. They also manually recorded their activity during certain 30-minutes periods via a questionnaire. All the participants undertook the high-intensity activities (3.0-6.0 METs) while having meals, tidying, accompanying, playing, shopping, and moving with the children. The mother also undertook the high-intensity activity (3.0-4.7 METs) during housework and cooking. Activities for child rearing registered the same intensity as commuting or working, but these activities appeared intermittently. The results suggest that services such as child-care rooms in shopping centers or short-term care by caregivers at the parent’s home should be provided for parents and their children. These services will motivate parents to think that child rearing is positive and worthwhile.

Keywords: METs, Locomotive Activity, Non-locomotive Activity, Child-rearing Day, Working Day

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100059

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