Prevalence of Lower Extremity Malaignment in Rice Farmers

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Usa KarukunchitabManida SwangnetracRungthip PuntumetakulabWichai EungpinichpongabAlongkot Emasithib

Abstract: Rice farming activities in Thailand are still based on manual work and human-machine interaction. Most tasks are involved awkward postures, repetitive motion, high force and prolonged work. Long-term exposure to ergonomics risks and lower extremity disorders can produce lower extremity malalignment, which has been reported to increase risk of lower extremity injury and disabilities. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of lower extremity malalignment in rice farmers. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 292 rice farmers in Khon- Kaen province, Thailand. Participants were required to have experience at least one year in rice cultivation process and have no current injury on back and lower extremity or any previous history that affected the lower extremity alignment. The measurement included pelvic angle, femoral antetorsion, quadriceps (Q) angle, tibiofemoral angle, genu recurvatum, tibial torsion, rearfoot angle and medial longitudinal arch angle. Results revealed the prevalence of lower extremity characteristics to be highest in foot pronation (20.89%), followed by knee valgus (18.49%), respectively. Other malalignment included external tibial torsion (11.64%), anterior pelvic tilt (10.96%), femoral antetorsion (6.85%), knee hyperextension (5.82%), and knee varus (3.43%). The findings indicated lower extremity malalignment to be common among Thai rice farmers, especially foot and knee malalignment. The knowledge gained from this study will be beneficial for healthcare providers in order to advise farmers on lower extremity malalignment prevention and self-management.

Keywords: Lower Extremity Malalignment, Rice Cultivation, Prevalence Study

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100057

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