Application of 3D Full Body Scanners in Ergonomics
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Michal Hovaneca, Teodor Tóthb, Viktória Rajťúkováb, Hana Pačaiováa, Jozef Živčákb
Abstract: The submitted study deals with the optimization of a work system with consideration of generic processes in work environments. For the purpose of identifying the resulting quality of a workplace, the structure of an ergonomic program was created on the basis of a digital factory, and a knowledge database was created for the criteria and parameters of ergonomic evaluation of work systems influencing their quality. On the basis of an analysis of the present state of the application of ergonomics, an ergonomic workplace was implemented for the purpose of increasing the quality of the work environment. The application of a work environment design was used in a selected workplace dealing with courier services. With use of the Tecnomatix program the workplace took on a digital form, which consisted of a 3D scanning of the work environment, a 3D whole-body scanning of the workers, the modelling of the work environment in the Plant SIMULATION module and the application of the obtained data itself in the Tecnomatix Jack program. It is possible to anticipate or to limit many problems by observing work regulations. One of the possibilities is the creation of an electronic database of employees which offers input data for the simulation of a specific work position.
Keywords: 3D body scanner, measurement methodology, ergonomics, digital manufacturing, quality production
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100814
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