The System Ergonomics and Usability as a Measurement of the Software Agents Impact to the Organization

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Bartosz KopkaMariusz Żytniewski

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze the concept of ergonomics in theory of software agents and its use in the construction of agent systems that supports the knowledge based organizations. In particular, the study will be focused on testing methods in context ergonomics of the agent society and their use in the analysis of the impact of agents on the business processes in the organization. Modern organizations require knowledge-based construction solutions, which in conditions of pervasive communications will support the processes occurring in them. Such solutions can be software agents. However, to assess their impact, it is necessary to define metrics that would indicate how much software agents support organization. Undertaken research in this area indicates that various features of software agents cause that they should be treated on a higher level of abstraction compared to the currently used software solutions. One of the aspect that can be picked up is the area of the cognitive ergonomics. It focuses around mental processes such as perception, memory, reasoning, knowledge, and issues of human reliability and increasing human cognitive abilities. Cognitive Ergonomics can be seen in the context of the software agent interaction solutions for users. The implementation of the cognitive ergonomics in human-computer relationship can take place through the use of agent technologies, such as anthropomorphic agent-system. Available literature does not define sufficiently the construction methodologies of the agent systems in the context of the presented issues of cognitive ergonomics. As a result, it becomes necessary to undertake research in the field of ergonomics and evaluation of impact on users as well as business processes in which they participate.

Keywords: Ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics, software agent, human computer interaction, usability.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001217

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