A Library Based Tool to Assist the Generative Activity in Workstation Design
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Christian Bergman, Dan Högberg, Gunnar Bäckstrand, Lena Moestam
Abstract: Workstation design processes are seldom as rigorous as product design processes. Instead, workstations are often “just built”. This commonly results in workstations that suffer from problems related to ergonomics, flexibility, logistics, productivity etc., in turn leading to reductions in human wellbeing and/or economics. The problem is seldom a lack of information, about ergonomics or other relevant areas, in itself. The problem is rather knowledge of how to find, interpret and use the information proactively in the design of workstations, e.g. in the definition of a complete set of goals for a successful design, or in the generation of design solutions that fulfil these goals. Moreover, the evaluation of a workstation design is typically performed on actual workstations, or physical mock-ups representing near-completed proposals. This paper argues that workstation design processes could gain from utilizing product design methodologies. In line with this, a novel and structured way of establishing a library of verified design solutions that fulfil certain requirements is presented in this paper. This would help the designer to select and generate solutions for the design task at hand, thus speeding up the design process and reducing the risk of redesign and rebuild, due to not fulfilling set requirements.
Keywords: Library based design, Decision support, Ergonomics, Workstation, Proactive approach
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001235
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