Usability-Based Mobile Phone Selection for Communications in Emergency Situations
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Isabel L. Nunes, Duarte Patriarca, Ana Sofia Matos
Abstract: The work presented here describes the selection process of mobile phones with better usability for use in emergency situations in Portugal. In emergency management, communications are a fundamental asset for limiting the consequences of risky situations. Since mobile phones have revolutionized the way people communicate they can constitute an opportunity to be used in information exchange during emergency situations. In this study the mathematical methodology developed by (Jeelani, 2011) - which holistically represents human factors’ issues associated with the use of mobile phone in emergency - was adapted to the Portuguese context. This methodology allows the rating of mobile phones in terms of suitability for use in emergency situations, having the satisfaction of user needs as a main priority. The methodology used in this study comprehends three phases: identification of the more important features of mobile phones for use in emergency situations; determination of the selection factors relative importance, using Analytic Hierarchy Process; and usability testing of five mobile phones using Cognitive Walkthrough protocol, with 20 individuals.
Keywords: Mobile Phones, Emergency Management Situations, Usability, AHP
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001264
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