An Expert System Approach for Ergonomic Evaluation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Aide Maldonado-Macías, Arturo Realyvásquez Vargas
Abstract: Current models to evaluate and select Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) present deficiencies since human factors and ergonomics (HFE) aspects have been neglected and obviated. Therefore models have emerged that propose the effective integration of these aspects. This chapter presents a literature review emphasizing in authors and methodologies that have addressed this topic. Also, the development of a fuzzy expert system (FES) based on Fuzzy if-then rules with a novel axiomatic design approach for ergonomic compatibility evaluation on the selection of AMT is presented. A numerical example for the selection of CNC plastic molding machines is also included. Literature review was made by using key words on scientific databases such as Science Direct and Ebscohost including papers from the last five years.As results we present a list of authors, methodologies and models that have contributed to ergonomic evaluation of AMT. A fuzzy expert system (FES) was developed and programmed in Matlab ®. It was validated using previous case studies’ results and sensibility analysis. The FES provides a practical way for single or group evaluation for ergonomic compatibility of AMT and may contribute to more complete decision making processes including HFE aspects.
Keywords: Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Ergonomic Compatibility, Expert System, Literature Review.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001271
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