Ergonomics in Industry: Various Sectors Contributing to the Development of a New Product

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ademario Santos TavaresLuiz Wilson Nunes de AlbuquerqueAndré Francisco da Silva SousaMarcelo Márcio Soares

Abstract: The process of product development is one of the most important and complex stages for the industry. For a new product to get into the hands of the consumer, a lot of research and testing is performed. Although the intention is to generate a product that makes the difference the market, catches the attention of the consumer and can increase sales of the company, another issue is considered important: the production process. The integration between various areas of knowledge can provide solutions that meet diverse industrial needs that go beyond usability needs of users. This article will deal with a multidisciplinary team during the development of a new medical product. How can segments of knowledge apparently distant from each other work together and provide improvements to the employees of a company? This article shows how teamwork between professionals of Ergonomics, Industrial Design, Engineering, Medical, Production and Sales allowed the optimization of the production process, employee satisfaction and sales success.

Keywords: Ergonomics, Multidisciplinarity, Product Design, Medical Equipment

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001221

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